*waving to you from ALA*
When Joan and I began readertotz, our mission was to raise the profile of board and novelty books while challenging writers to contribute their very best for the youngest readers. Our long term goal is to see an award created for the very first books that ignite a love of reading.
Here at ALA, we are celebrating the Newbery, Caldecott, Printz, and other prestigious awards. Why not an award for the best board book published?
Today, July 12th, 2009, Joan and I put forward two names for the first board book award for literary and artistic merit:
The Nordstrom Award Shall we honor Ursula Nordstrom, (1910-1988) the amazing editor-in-chief of Harper & Row from 1940-1973, who edited Margaret Wise Brown's
Goodnight Moon, our country's most beloved board book today? True, the book was originally 32 pages, and only took the board book form in 1991, but no one can contest what Ursula contributed to children's literature. And this board book will stand for generations.
The Kunhardt AwardWe would remember Dorothy Kunhardt the author of
Pat the Bunny, possibly the first interactive book for babies. Printed by Random House, Golden Press Golden Books in 1940, the work still generates 250,000 sales a year, rating only second in all time sales behind
The Tale of Peter Rabbit. It would be an honor for board book creators to receive The Kunhardt Award, remembering the woman who broke the ground for us today.
Please feel free to repost this entry and generate feedback. Which do you prefer?
And a thought recently came to mind. Is there room in the
Cybils awards for board book winners? What do you say? Thanks for your input!
~Lorie Ann Grover, author/illustrator, cofounder of readergirlz and readertotz