Monday, December 12, 2022

Farewell for Now, Totz!

illustration by Lorie Ann Grover

Hello beloved readertotz, first readers, older sibs of totz, parents, and educators!

After fourteen years of posting recommends for the most excellent board books and an occasional exceptional picture book, I believe it is time to end our effort for now. Thankfully, the esteem for and quality of board books has risen in the industry. We still hope that ALA will begin to award the Dorothy Kunhardt Award yearly to the very best in the novelty/board book format.   

Joan and I continue to write our own books. You can follow the links below to keep up on our news and releases if you like. Thanks so much for your interest, encouragement, and support over the years. Yay for the books we have gathered around! I hope you have discovered joy and fun from authors, illustrators, and publishers. 

For now, farewell! May your next snuggled book be a rich delight for you and yours. Love to each,

and Joan Holub