Monday, July 6, 2020

More, more, more: Tiger Wild

"There's a time to be quiet and still and a time to be wild and free!" So concludes, Lily in Tiger Wild. Here is a dear homage to Where the Wild Things Are and a further exploration of feelings. Max, meet Lily.

After misbehaving, Tiger and Lily run away to the wild where they come to face emotions beyond anger and help each other forward. Penny, the caregiver, even ends up exploring the wild with the two of them at times.

Illustrations are open and fresh, with a captured quickness to further illustrate Lily's adventures. There's a crayon quality which is so relatable. (Look for Tiger mimicking a Wild Thing in his stance.)

Use this work to discuss emotions with your older siblings of readertotz. Hand in hand, go into the wild.

Tiger Wild
by Gwen Millward
Viking Books for Young Readers

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