Oh, these two caught it: the summer sun and fun at a beach house. This is perfect for your Poetry Friday out at the shore. Deanna Caswell's text is lyrical while Amy June Bates captures sunshine in her watercolors. Enjoy!
A long, long drive.
It's been a year
of dreaming, waiting.
Summer's here.
Doors fly open.
End of the road.
"To the beach!"
"Not yet--unload."
Beach House
by Deanna Caswell
illustrated by Amy June Bates
Chronicle Books, 2015
Beach house in the summer -- an experience I longed for as a child on the prairies of Eastern Colorado!
The cover draws me right in with its golden light and my memories of warm summer breezes! I must order this one for the library!
I want to be a kid at the beach again. What a lovely book!
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