Morgan was born with a hole in his middle, an actual hole in his belly. It leaves him always a little bit hungry for more. Whether he eats all his friend Yumi's cake, takes all the solos himself, or just tries to forget about the hole, the feeling won't leave.
When Yumi takes ill, Morgan sets out to visit and cheer her up through sharing and giving. By the time Yumi recovers, Morgan's hole has shrunk to a belly button. His empty feeling is gone...unless he's just a little bit hungry.
I really enjoyed The Hole in the Middle for the concrete image for selfishness and self-absorption. Paul Budnitz' text will be easily understood by older siblings of your totz while Aya Kakeda's clean, graphic imagery exhibits great design. This is a definite recommend.
The Hole in the Middle
by Paul Budnitz
illustrated by Aya Kakeda
Disney Hyperion Books, 2011
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