So what do you think? The cloth version seems a perfect, soft touch for your totz. I was excited to see this new edition from HarperCollins. But, they've reduced the classic to three spreads, and I wonder if there's a retouch to Clement Hurd's illustration of the fishing rabbit picture above the bookcase. For clarity, if I'm right? With the reduction of pages, the cadence of the original is sacrificed, yet, the rhythm can be found in what is included:
In the great green room
There was a telephone
And a red balloon
And a picture of-
The cow jumping over the moon
Goodnight room
Goodnight moon
Goodnight light
And the red balloon
Goodnight bears
Goodnight chairs
Goodnight noises everywhere
It's almost what you might whisper to your tot as she clutches her blue plush pillow book to sleep. I believe it has grown on me. Look for it, and let us know your take.
Goodnight Moon, Cloth Book
by Margaret Wise Brown
illustrations by Clement Hurd
HarperCollins Publishers
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