Baby's Book Tower is a boxed set of four chunky books (each about 2x2x2"), which are all reprints of Leslie Patricelli's best-selling, adorable, can't-find-enough-words-of praise-to-describe-them board books:
Baby Happy Baby Sad
No No Yes yes
Quiet Loud
Yummy Yucky

Yummy Yucky excerpt:
Spaghetti is yummy.
Worms are yucky.
Quiet Loud excerpt:
Crayons are quiet.
Pots and pans are loud.
Baby Happy Baby Sad and No No Yes Yes are stories largely told through the illustrations, which are labeled Baby Happy or Baby Sad; No No or Yes Yes respectively. Baby is happy hugging the cat, but sad when the cat takes off. So true!
These books have heart and universal appeal. Totz will relate and so will parentz. I smile every time I read them. I'm so glad to see them in a set like this!
Baby's Book Tower
Author-illustrator: Leslie Patricelli
Candlewick Press, 2010