Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Women in Science: Rachel Ignotofsky

Tuesday, June 15, 2021
More, more, more: The Magnificent Books Series
Publisher Weldon Owen International has released two works in their The Magnificent Books Series. Oversized, the format delivers incredibly beautiful illustrations. In The Magnificent Book of Birds, written by Tom Jackson, illustrator Walerczuk's realistic imagery captivates. One expects the birds to sing and fly from the pages. A fact file gives the basics, while further bulleted text expands on habitat and behaviors. When proportions or scale warrants, the book is turned on its side, such as for the Greater Flamingo or the Resplendent Quetzal. The wide age spans are just one interesting feature to compare from bird to bird.
The same creative passion is given to The Magnificent Book of Horses. The text is by Tom Jackson and Diana Ferguson while illustrations were created by both Simon Mendez and Val Walerczuk. From the Camargue to the Brabant, horses from around the world walk, prance, stand, and run through the pages. The fact file includes the horse's character, such as the friendly Icelandic Horse, the strong-willed Mustang, and the stubborn Shetland Pony. Both books in the series give a human scale reference in silhouette.
Enjoy these works with your entire family. I can imagine leaving the book open on a coffee table to feature one horse or bird a day. Brilliant!