How about fun fiction for your readertotz? Play Tabs from Twirl has released Baby Animals and Body. Durable thick board books with prominent, arrowed tabs teach first readers concise facts.
Stephanie Babin's text is straightforward: "A dog's babies are called puppies." And "When you are out and about during the day, dirt gets stuck to your skin." Thierry Bedouet has illustrated the animal book while Ilaria Falorsi illustrated Body. I would have thought one person created both sets of images as there is a constancy between them.
From the back covers: "...sturdy pull-tabs on every page that are right for little hands, and bite-size facts that are just right for hungry minds!"
Enjoy these nonfiction works, their action and information.
Play Tabs
Baby Animals
by Stephanie Babin
illustrated by Thierry Bedouet
by Stephanie Babin
illustrated by Ilaria Falorsi
Twirl, 2019 (first published in France, 2018)