A new book in the Skippyjon #1 New York Times bestselling series!

I haven't done a picture book on readertotz in a while since we largely focus on board books. But here's a new book -- Skippyjon Jones Snow What -- in a series I'd love to see translated into board books one day.
In this one . . . fairy tales are not Skippyjon Jones's cup of tea, but his sister adores Snow White. During a reading of the tale, Skippyjon's mind starts to wander and he winds up as a character in the story! It's more challenging than expected when he is faced with seven little chihuahua dogs and the prospect of kissing the princess in the tale . . . a girl! But it is to save her from an evil queen after all . . . what to do?
I remember reading the first book about this character, Skippyjon Jones, aloud to friends in a brick and mortar bookstore shortly after it first came out. I was so enamored of this cat (who thinks he's a chihuahua) and the playful language in the book that I wanted to share him with anyone who would listen. He's one of those characters that's sure to be enjoyed for many many years to come by future generations of young readers.
Here's hoping for board books!
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