I'm a huge fan of Cecil Castellucci. We were delighted to feature her work for older readers at readergirlz. You can read her issue here. So when the picture book Grandma's Gloves arrived, I knew I would be enchanted. And I was.
I was incredibly moved by this honest treatment of a grandmother's senility and eventual death as seen through the eyes of a young girl. The book is beautifully paced, with lovely language. Julia Denos' open, fresh, drawn and painted illustrations are the perfect match to carry Cecil's text. There's light and space and room to breath throughout the difficult topic.
Here is the witness of one generation connecting to another, each blessed with time to hear and be with the other. The child is also able to bridge a gap for her own mother when the grandmother passes. The work is justly receiving awards and notice, such as the California Book Award!
Save this one for your totz' siblings when a loved one departs. Thank you, Cecil and Julia!
Grandma's Gloves
by Ceci Castellucci
illustrated by Julia Denos
Candlewick Books, 2010